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Upload your Pre-Press PDF files using our simple and intuitive publishing interface. You can upload a single file or multiple files of your publication. Publications can be categorized into Volumes and Issues


Enhance your publication for digital distribution - re-order pages, add hyperlinks, embed videos and forms. Set Pricing and specify subscription options.


Choose the devices on which you want to distribute your publication (web, mobile and eReading devices).

Digital Publishing & Distribution Made Easy

Digital Edition allows publishers to digitize their content, add interactivity (links, videos & forms) to it and distribute it via the web, mobile & e-reading/tablet devices through a simple web based interface. Learn More.


Do it yourself publishing in the Cloud Our cutting edge technology allows publishers to be in total control of their digital publications. A simple and intuitive interface allows you to upload your publications and monitor the conversions in real time. The DigitalEdition Solution is pay as you use.

Manage your archives Keep a record of all your past volumes and issues online.

Intelligent Hyperlinking DigitalEdition allows you to augment your publication by hyperlinking any text image or section. Additionally our intelligent hyperlinking system can you used to automatically hyperlinked pre-defined text patterns to specific URL in the entire publication. For example a company name or a ticker symbol can be hyperlinked to it's stock price.

Embed Videos Bring your publications alive by embedding videos within your content. You can embed videos from existing video sites like YouTube or upload videos directly.

Interactive AdsEnhance your print Ads with hyperlinks, videos and forms for collecting leads and inquiries. A great value add for your existing advertisers, this feature brings the best of print and digital advertising to your publications.

Multi-Device Support Publish to web, mobile-web, smartphones (Andriod and iOS) and major tablet devices using a single interface.

Integrated news stand and eBook storeSell your subscriptions and books online at a pricing on which you have full control.

Social Media Incorporated Allow your readers to share content over popular social media networks like Twitter and Facebook.

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